All posts tagged: readco property management

Thank You – Property Management Feed Back

Recognition from a client stands among the finest compliments any one can offer.  Thank you goes to our team member Debbie, from our accounting department, for a job well done and a customer that felt the need to speak up. At the end of the day an organization is only as good as the talent.

READCO Asset Management and Property Management Team

Meet our Asset Management / Property Management Team. Top Row: Senior Property managers Laurie Wood and Mary Woomer, front row: Property manager Lex Pellecchia and VP Asset and Property management Lea Engels. For details about our firm visit us online

Property Development Time Lapse – HCC MOB in Waterford, CT

 READCO Development working along with FIP Construction just recently completed a beautiful new Medical Office Building facility for Hartford Health Care in Waterford, CT. For details about our firm visit us online